Thursday, November 29, 2007

i am too tired for this!

What am I too tired for you may ask? I will tell you, my two year old! She is winning. You would think that since she is my third child I would be an expert by now, but no I am failing miserably. So I think I figured out why two year olds are so tough to deal with, I figured this out during the hour that I spent rocking her the other night when she wouldn't go to sleep (with one arm and one leg asleep so I was multi tasking). Anyway, during the average day I, as all mothers, have quite a bit to do. My to do list looks something like this: get up, feed everyone breakfast, make lunches, get everyone dressed, beds made and to school, clean up the house, do laundry (really how can three kids produce so much dirty clothes), play with my two year old, take care of any church responsibilities, pick up the kids, start dinner, look through homework, eat dinner, do dishes, bath time, and get the kids in bed. Oh ya and this time of year get everything ready for Christmas (that at least is fun). So that is more or less my average day. This is what my two year old has to do during the day, eat, play and GET HER WAY. She has much more time during the day to devote towards getting exactly what she wants. So while I am holding her in the rocking chair thinking of all the things I have to do while ignoring my tingling arm and leg, she is sitting there focusing all her attention on not falling asleep.
I keep telling myself that when she turns three it will all go away, this is only a terrible two thing right? But she turns three next week and she hasn't gone to bed before ten this week, and that is with no naps, she has also been just a tad bit grumpy this week.
My sisters two year old is also part of this evil movement of children whose goal is to destroy their mothers. She had her daughter completely potty trained for a week and then guess what. Her daughter changed her mind. If a kid isn't going to use the toilet there isn't much you can do about it. So my heart goes out to my sister who had a crushing loss in her battle last week. But mothers everywhere lets take up the call, "we will triumph, we will not give up, they will not win, we are bigger, smarter (I think), and we have chocolate any time we want to give us strength!!!!" so any way to all you out there who have two year olds, good luck!


Meredith said...

karen! you are so funny and SO RIGHT! why can't we spend 14 hours a day getting what we want? i suppose we could try that with our husbands, but we might end up single parents...the toddlers will never end up orphans. i think they know this, and it gives them extra power.

Leslie said...

You are right Mere. Karen, I was so excited to see that you had a new post. I'm glad you email it to everyone when you post. And I need more chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Karen, such a fun really need to keep it up and write a book when you are done...comments and all and don't forget to take pictures along the looking in the mail...I am sending you and Meredith a book that is supposed to make it easier to deal with kids under even has the word 'magic' in the to you.

Anonymous said...

karen as I was reading I thought that you should really consider writing a book at some point in your life. whether it is a fiction or an autobiography i am sure it would be really good. you have an amazing writing style and i thought that it was interesting cause Alex does too. You guys seem to be the two in the family who really have a flair for writing. i think that is awesome and you both should end up writing more in your future. I am serious... everyone loves reading what you write and the more I read it the more interesting it gets which is pretty much like reading a great book! karen you are SO COOL!!!!