Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My son the hearthrob

This has nothing to do with pregnancy but my sister said it was funny and that I had to put it on my blog.

The other day I went to Ty's parent teacher conference. I was waiting a little early with some of the other parents and started talking to one of the other mom's. When I told her who my son was she said oh, my daughter Pilar likes him soooo much, she says he is her boyfriend. This reminded me of a time about a month ago when Ty had told me that one of the girls asked him to be her boyfriend, which Ty assured me he said a big loud NO to. So I told the other mom about this and asked if it had been her daughter. She said that it was her daughters friend who had asked Ty to be her boyfriend and that it caused her daughter to come home crying cause she was so upset with her friend. It was so funny, so I asked Ty that night very casually if he liked Pilar. He said"sure she is my friend" I asked if he played with her, he looked at me like I was crazy and said "no, I play with Connor". So it funny to me that the desperation of girls, and total ignorance of boys start at such a young age. It reminded me of when I was in kindergarten once, I was sitting by the "cute boy" during reading time and I started poking him. When he told me to stop it I said I would only stop if he sat by me on the bus, which he did. I remember being so happy on the ride home that day!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

sweeeet! too funny Karen!