Saturday, November 3, 2007


I find when I am pregnant I am much more emotional, big surprise there. But it isn't only crying it is everything, especially anger. I get angry very easily, kind of like the incredible hulk only not big and green, well not green anyway. So I guess I feel sorry for my family having to live with me lately, except if they wouldn't do stupid things I wouldn't get angry so really it is their fault. So here are the things that have made me angry lately. Number one, kids not listening to me. Every morning I am of course really tired but being a mom of school aged children I still must drag myself out of bed to get them ready for school. This is what has happened EVERY DAT this last week with my eight year old daughter Audrey, who I will tell you now has a long history of being very slow at doing things. When she is close to done eating her breakfast I say "okay audrey clear your dishes, brush your teeth, make your bed and get dressed" she says "okay mom" then i go to deal with my screaming two year old who seems to always be screaming lately for very rational things like someone left the room before her or tyler said good morning to her, or the earth was traveling around the sun. So anyway I deal with her for a few minutes then go back to check on Audrey's progress only to find her still sitting at the table playing with the leftover milk in her bowl. So I start to get a little bit angry "Audrey what are you doing" "oh sorry mom I forgot" at which point she gets up and clears her dishes. Meanwhile I go make my bed while my two year old screams at Audrey for walking down the stairs before her. When my bed is made I go downstairs to check on the progress, I find that Tyler, bless his heart he keeps me sane in the morning, is dressed with teeth brushed and bed made playing quietly in his room. Audrey meanwhile is sitting on her bed looking at a book, at least she has her pajamas off. "Audrey what are you doing" "Oh sorry mom I started looking at this book" at which point she wants to show and explain the book in great detail to me. "Audrey you can show me the book after school, you need to hurry or we will be late". Then I go get my two year old dressed after I let her walk up the stairs first. I come back down and hallelujah she is dressed and maybe by now her bed is made or maybe I have to remind her but we are making progress. Then she goes in to brush her teeth, now if you will remember at the beginning of this post when I gave the first direction of the morning, the same things I say every single blasted morning "brush your teeth" comes before "get dressed" somehow this is not heard correctly. It makes me wonder what they really hear when we moms talk I think they hear "Audrey you are wonderful and perfect, do whatever you want this morning" or maybe "mhhm, rrrrr, blblby, oijodfoe". She is definitely not hearing what I say, if she did I wouldn't have to scrub toothpaste off the front of her shirt every morning! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! By now we are almost late and I turn into the mean angry mom who is frantically yelling things like "get your shoes on, put on your coat, empty the rocks out of your shoes OUTSIDE, don't forget your backpack, do you think I like to yell, why do you make me yell to get anything done, don't forget your back pack, no the gloves go on first not last" etc, etc. I am not proud of myself in these moments, I am not a nice person to be around, but it gets them to school on time. I suppose I have vague memories of my mom sounding the same way before school but probably all I heard was "mhhm, rrrr, blblby, oijodfoe". Sorry mom.


Anonymous said...

lol, ty for sharing

Steph said...

haaa haaa karen you are funny! why have you resisted blogging for so long???

Katherine said...

Ohh Karen I know what you mean in a weird way, because I am only 19 so I am still the recipient of my mom's "What are you DOING?! Hurry up!" but also with my younger sister (17, but I SWEAR she acts 10 sometimes!!) when my mom isn't home and I am, I am the one yelling "WHY are you STILL eating, it is 7:30, schools starts in 15 minutes blahblahblah". When I'm the one yelling I'm thinking "I know she is only hearing blahblahblah". Because sometimes that is all I hear from my mom :) Poor moms everywhere, I wish I knew a way to translate to all kids!!

Meredith said...

karen, this is soooo funny. i wish i were as funny as you when i write:)

Pame said...

You are not alone!!! I completely know what you go through every morning. Well, patience, patience, patience.

Danielle said...

meredith said to read this and you are funny. if it makes you feel any better, i don't have to deal with kids yet and i'm still an angry pregnant woman! :):):)

Anonymous said...

Karen, not that you are asking for advice but I have some I think.. Try a little bribery and positive reinforcement on Audrey. and only tell her to do one thing at a time or maybe put a list on the wall for her or something. I am sure it is hard to be a kid who constantly gets distracted by things.