Thursday, January 3, 2008

An... effective way to lose weight?

Well I just had a doctor appt yesterday and the big weigh in had me with a weight gain of only 13 pounds. Now some of you may be saying, wait a minute I thought you had gained 15 pounds, where did those two pounds go? Especially over the Christmas holidays. I wish I could say it was hard work and discipline. That I had waltzed past the peppermint bark, turned my back on the potatoes and completely ignored all the yummy desserts, but no it had nothing to do with self control cause lets face it, if it is in the house I will eat it. No the secret to my success is simple, if you want to lose weight just get pneumonia. It is really quite simple, get sicker than you have ever been in your life and the pounds will just melt away. So ya I spent Christmas break in bed wanting to die. Luckily I felt good on Christmas eve and Christmas morning so that was really quite fun, but around noon on Christmas day I started to drag, and by that night was when the wanting to die part started happening. Then I spent the next three days going from wanting to die to feeling really really crappy, to feeling really crappy and so on. Now I am just left with a cough a stuffy head and wanting to sleep all the time, but hey I lost two pounds right?!? Actually I am not to excited about that, I know it is not good to lose weight at this point of pregnancy and feeling as bad as I did last week is definitely not worth the trade off of weight lost, but oh well what are you going to do. So any way here is a shout out to all you pregnant women out there. Get you flu shot! Also when the pregnancy books say the pregnancy makes your immune system weaker you might want to believe that line, I certainly do now. Well I think it is time to wrap this up, it is time for my 9 A.M. nap.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

that is the worst! i have never been sicker than when i get sick when i'm pregnant. i'm glad you're on the upswing, but the silver lining is those two pounds! hooray!