Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Ultrasound

Well last week we had the ultrasound and..... it's a GIRL! Right after the words came out of the technicians mouth my husband said, and I quote, "great another one". Now this may sound like he is a big fat jerk, but I have to say he was totally justified in what he said after what went on with our 8 year old the night before. Now normally she is a normal kid who gets upset sometimes but is normally pretty much in control emotionally. However about once a year, maybe when the moon is full or she has had too many veggies pushed on her in one week, she will just freak out, and I mean FREAK OUT! She got mad at her dad about something that was soooooo not a big deal and proceeded to spend the next 4 hours screaming and crying in and out of her room. At one point when her temper led her to be really mean to her brother I told her to knock it off or her favorite Christmas toy, the great and wonderful American Girl doll, would be taken from her for a day. Apparently she thought I was bluffing because the tantrum continued, this is at about hour two. So away went the doll and in to bed went the 8 year old, the screaming crying 8 year old. It sounded like an animal was dying in our house it was so extreme. Anyway in the next hour, hour 3 of the tantrum, I was taught some very interesting things by my eight year old. For instance, did you know that I don't love her and that nobody loves her. Also I learned that "it" isn't fair, whatever that means. Also that through all this screaming she was "just trying to be nice", I am guessing that this has something to do with the "it isn't fair" line. This last one was my favorite, did you know that by taking away her favorite toy I was "just wasting a lot of money". Apparently her father the economist has a few things he needs to teach her. So the tantrum and our education of all things logical to an eight year old wore on until she got so mad that she came storming into the living room and THREW HER GLASSES AT ME! That's right your heard me, since she isn't completely stupid she made a hasty retreat, which was good because my husband and I just about shot through the roof at that point. We were sooooooooo mad, but somehow we kept our cool (I think it was because we both knew the other person was there to witness any physical violence so we couldn't act on our very strong desires to BEAT SOME SENSE INTO HER). So we calmly went into her room and quietly explained why she was in bed, what she was doing wrong, and why her toy was taken away. I think it was good that we were calm. I think deep down we knew that if we went in screaming and yelling it was just the thing she wanted so she could continue having a reason to scream and yell at us. So anyway she eventually went to sleep and everyone was pretty happy the next day, that is until we went to the ultrasound and heard those words "it's a girl". So now you probably understand my husbands reaction, but I am sure this girl will be perfect. No tantrums, no mood swings, no cattiness, it will be great, right??? So anyway we are excited to be having a girl, that is everyone but my 6 year old son who said with a very whinny voice "great now everything will be all girly". Poor guy, he and his dad will be fighting a loosing battle for the rest of their lives, but I guess he should get used to it now, it will prepare him for marriage. GIRLS RULE! So anyway hope you all have better nights with your kids than we have had and remember watch for those full moons and too many veggies in one week, you never know what will create a monster!


Jolene said...

Congrats and condolences on another girl. It's too bad we don't live up the street from each other anymore because our girls are so similar. We call them "meltdowns" at our house. Tantrums, meltdowns, hormones, whatever they are called, it's difficult to handle. I'm sure this baby will be a delight.
Love, Jolene

Leslie said...

Karen, how do you manage to laugh at all this??? With 3 girls I go crazy some days. The other day I had my baby crying when I walked out of the room to go tell my 4 year old to stop crying about her "barette falling out". How did our Dad handle six girls????? great blog!

Leslie said...

ps- I didn't mean how can you laugh at Audrey . . . my post came out wrong I think . . . I meant how can you keep a cheery attitude! I face all the same issues with my kids (I hope my post didn't sound judgmental!)

Steph said...

Yay for a girl!!! I'm so excited for you! :) Audrey is a funny kid, those hormones will make you crazy, I tell ya!

L.Smith said...

Congratulations on another little girl! My sympathy to Brad of course. Hayden has pulled stunts like that before and I too am a mean mom, who is unfair and doesn't love him. Amazing how those little minds think a like. Keep a united front as David always says, they(kids) can't take us down together!!! take care....


Anonymous said...

OK, you know I am a mean Mom...I was sharing this with Dad and he commented on the fact that all of you girls are great at keeping yourselves under control because Dad was pretty strict about using corporal punishment wisely...I was not as wise as Dad, but sometimes you have to give them a choice, but first you have to get their attention and sometimes a smack on the bottom does the job...