Friday, January 18, 2008

Half Way There

Well today is one of those days that I don't know if I love or hate. I am twenty weeks today officially half way there. Hopefully more than half way. I have been lucky with my previous three kids that I had them all early, but with every kid I get closer to my due date, so who knows when this one will arrive. Anyway I love this day because it feels like a milestone. I am halfway there we are making definite progress. On the other hand I all ready feel like I have been pregnant FOREVER so that means that I have FOREVER to go, no fun. The next two months should be pretty good though. I have been feeling pretty good. All the effects of pneumonia seem to be gone, finally! So life is pretty good. I am definitely looking pregnant now. I was in my son's kindergarten class yesterday and one of the kids walked up to me and said "you have a baby in your tummy" then he walked away. It was pretty funny, kindergartners are cute. I also can no longer sleep on my stomach. This makes me very sad. I am definitely mourning stomach sleeping. I am approaching S.W.M.P. time (sleeping with multiple pillows). Now it is a fact that all pregnant women sleep with extra pillows in bed. For between the knees, under the belly, or my personal favorite wedged in my back. It is also a fact that all husbands complain about it. Really, what is with them. I guess I should be more sympathetic. Cause you know it would be SO HARD to sleep with 6 inches less sleeping space. Those poor husbands, YA RIGHT. So I am prepared for the first time my husband complains about the pillows that will soon be joining us in bed. My speech goes like this "You try sleeping only on your side, preferably the left, because you have an extra ten pounds jammed in your stomach, oh ya and that extra weight is constantly jabbing you in the bladder making you get up to go to the bathroom three times a night, and your back hurts from hefting that extra weight around, and it is a herculean effort just to roll over, and oh ya THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT CAUSE YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Then I will take ten minutes to roll over and go to sleep for a half hour until I have to get up to go to the bathroom again. Now for all you reading this who all ready have kids YOU KNOW you have gone through this exact situation. You may say my husband never complained about the pillows. To you I say he is lying. Not that that is a bad thing. I am not normally a fan of lying, but when a woman is pregnant I think some good lying by the husband can make everyone happy. For instance when I ask him if I look fat he says "no, you are just pregnant and it will all go away after the baby is born". Or if I start crying and say "I am so moody" he says "don't be ridiculous, you are totally justified in each and every thing you have daily cried about for the last two weeks". So all you husbands out there this is the one time in our lives that I will justify lying. So I hope my husband enjoys the next 4 and a half months, I know I won't.

1 comment:

L.Smith said...

Karen, Congrats on making it half way! It does feel good but I know it is all up, or is it down hill from here. I know you can do it and just keep reminding Brad it's all his fault!!! hehe, take care.....
