Sunday, January 6, 2008

Dinner table conversations.

I find that with little kids dinner is the best time to get them talking. They aren't distracted by television, toys, friends (or according to my kids tasty food since I apparently can't cook any). So ya dinner is a good time to get them talking, whether or not you want to hear what they say remains in question. So anyway my kids are of course interested in my being pregnant and all sorts of things about the baby so here are some of our dinner conversations. One night my eight year old daughter asked me "mom where exactly is the baby inside you" so I stood up and showed her the bottom half of my stomach where the baby is, at this point my six year old son says "isn't it up there in that big part" pointing to the big part of my belly that was pooching out over the top of my fp's (fat pants). "no I reply that is not the baby it is just all the stuff the baby pushes up" "oh" my son said "then that, pointing to my pooch, is just the fat part". At this point my husband jumps in and tells my son "you never never tell a woman that any part of her is fat." At which point my son just shrugs his shoulders and dinner moves on. The next night at dinner before we sit down my daughter points to the bottom half of my belly and says "that is where the baby is right?" to which I reply "yes" then my son ends my happy pregnant feeling when he points to my pooch and says "and that is the fat part". So now my stomach is composed of a baby part and a fat part, what fun!
A few nights ago we were sitting at dinner talking about something non baby related when my 6 year old pipes up and says "mom, if the baby is in your stomach how come it doesn't get digested?" I thought this was hilarious, can you tell my kid has spent hours watching the magic school house dvd on the digestive system. So we explained how the baby has a special kind of sack that it lives in until it is born. At this point my daughter was horrified to learn that the baby was living in water and not breathing air, when we assured her that this was okay she became very concerned about how the baby ate. So we explained the whole umbilical cord thing. I can promise you my kids will never look at their belly buttons the same again. It makes you think that the whole baby growing process is kind of bizarre. It makes you wonder what other things that we think of as totally normal would our kids think are weird? Like how we are always telling our daughter how to behave what not to say to other people, but then we get horrified at her when she tells other kids at school these same things. Or how they need to eat healthy but then sometimes they catch me or my husband sneaking a cookie before breakfast (you know you have all done it!). So anyway kids are confusing to us, we are confusing to them and I think it will be that way until the end of time, but hey at least we entertain each other.


Anonymous said...

That is really funny. don't worry, at least there are people out there like me who wish they had a baby part of their belly and a fat part! I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell Steph "Embrace the fatness!!" Enjoy now and worry at the end of the nine months.

Meredith said...

"fp's"...that is so hilarious!!! another good laugh. you are so talented.

L.Smith said...

I love kids curiosity!! hayden thinks a kid in his class Jose' will celebrate chinese new year because he has dark hair and darker skin! Holy smokes I thought I was going to fall over , notice his name is Jose' not chin yoo, I think he celebrates cinco de' mayo. Anyhow, love your blog, hope all is well.