Friday, December 21, 2007

16 weeks

Well today I am officially 16 weeks along so I decided to be really brave and do a weigh in on my trusty, or not so trusty depending on the day, bathroom scale. While I am not shouting my excitement to the skies, I am also not crying in my closet. I have officially gained 15 pounds, I would like to have done better by now, but I have definitely done worst in the past. So 15 pounds in 16 weeks, ugh. I even got on the scale three more times throughout the morning hoping for a drastic 5 pound difference, but no such luck. So if I can gain a pound a week for the next 26 weeks I wouldn't quite hit 40 pounds, that would be good, I can do that! Except next week is Christmas then new years and sweet stuff doesn't make me feel sick anymore, I am not exactly craving it, but lets face it, if it is there I will eat it. It is kind of like in field of dreams (my husbands favorite movie, which is about, surprise surprise, baseball). The big quote of the movie is "if you build it they will come". So that is me "if it is there, I will eat it". Today by "it" I mean an unopened box my sister sent me from Williams-Sonoma that I am pretty sure contains my favorite chocolate in the whole world. How long can I go without opening it, right now it is 9:18 so I give myself until about 9:32, but that is ambitious so we will see. So anyway I think I will wrap this up cause there is a box upstairs softly calling my name "Karen come open me, you want me, it will be so nice" 9:19 now 13 more minutes can she do it? Will she be able to resist temptation? Is she strong enough? Turn in next time to find out the exciting, no scratch that,... moderately engaging conclusion of this pregnant woman's dilemma.


Anonymous said...

Hello???! You so need to write a book! I am on the edge of my seat!

Anonymous said...

Just keep going back to bed when your body tells you to sleep...if you do not take care you could get it again....lmloqpdq