Friday, March 7, 2008

I just can't think of a clever title right now so deal with it.

Well of course I am sick again, cause you know I was had a stomach bug in Nov, terrible long lasting head cold in Dec, pneumonia took over the month of Jan, and a quick yet violent stomach flu in Feb. So really it is perfect that I am sick because we wouldn't want March to feel left out. So I have aches and pains in all my joints and a terrible cough that really hurts my chest ALOT and yesterday I had a really low fever. So I am not too happy right now. My eight year old got sick on Wed with it, she had a much higher fever so that was sad, oh and did I mention that my husband was out of town for it all. That is just the way life works, it is just one of those things, like if you drop a cupcake it will land frosting side down, or if you wear a white shirt your kids will wipe something gross on it within 5 min and if your husband goes out of town someone will get sick. It was annoying too because I had this nice queen size bed all to myself. Usually when my honey travels I don't sleep very well, but now I am pregnant enough that I was LOVING having the bed all to myself. I slept right in the middle with a bunch of pillows built up all around me. It was like a comfy warm pillow cocoon, or it was until my sick kid got up three times in one night. I was good though, I was nice and compassionate, I got her juice and extra blankets and gave out extra hugs, all those things mom's do for sick kids. So how do I get repaid, I wake up with a painful cough and feel progressively worse throughout the day. So right now I am really tired and I want to take a nap but there is a big problem with that. About six months ago my husband made up a game with our three year old where he lays on the bed and pretends to be asleep then she whacks him in the stomach and he jumps up and yells "I'm awake"! at which point she laughs like crazy and he pretends to go back to sleep. So as you can imagine if I lay down and close my eyes for even a minute she is thrilled that I am going to play the game with her. Those darn husbands that play with their kids, what am I going to do with him. So anyway this bug only bothered my daughter for two days, so hopefully I will be as lucky.

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