Friday, February 29, 2008

I am SICK of dealing with this crap!

Seriously I am sick of dealing with this crap. I am potty training my three year old and she does perfectly in the #1 department and almost perfect in the #2 department. However, almost perfect is not too fun for mom. It seems every 4 or 5 days we have what some people call "an accident" but I call a toxic waste spill. I wonder what the EPA would do if called them and asked them to come contain the toxic spill in my daughters Dora the Explorer underwear (or undies as she insists on calling them).
I am also getting a little sick of the attitude I am getting out of my pint sized three year old. This was my morning, me- "do you want breakfast", her (in a screeching voice)- "no, I want breakfast", me-"okay go sit in your chair", her (in the same screeching voice)- "no, I don't want to sit in my chair", me- "where do you want to sit", her-"in my chair". By now my husband is laughing his head off in the other room. She finally sits in her chair at which point I ask if she wants to say the prayer, her reply "no, mommy say the prayer". So I say the prayer. When I finish she starts crying and tells me that she wanted to say the prayer. So I tell her to say another prayer. So she proceeds to cry her prayer. By now my husband and I are both laughing. It was really the funniest prayer I have ever heard. So anyway she ate then was a little happier for the rest of the morning. It is all very annoying because I think only one person per house should be allowed to be grumpy and this week I want to be that person. Do you think if I explain it to her she will agree? I am pretty sure she will say "NO, I want to be grumpy" then five minutes later she will say "Mommy, you be grumpy"!


Meredith said...

oh this was age three will be like? so much to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

you are funny. just say "it is my day to be grumpy" every time they try to be, then be so grumpy they just sit there shocked.