Saturday, March 15, 2008

getting better

Well I am finally better, for this month anyway. I was sick last Thurs and Fri, then thought I was better on Sat then woke up Sun morning with aches and a fever. Seeing as how my other two kids also got sick on Monday it was not a fun week. By Tues when I was feeling worse instead of better I decided to call the doc and see if I could take any medication to help me sleep. So of course my doctor was called out of town for a family emergency and the on call doctor decided that he absolutely must see me in the office. Now this is kind of a quandary. When you are sick and worried that it might be getting worse you just know that you need to see the doctor, on the other hand that means getting out of bed, possibly showering, and putting clothes on you haven't been wearing for two days, on top of that add getting your two sick kids to put socks and shoes on over their pajamas if they are even wearing those after days of mom being sick. I think my six year old was just wearing dinosaur undies and a big blanket. So I drag myself and my two kids into a somewhat presentable state and drive to the doctors, arriving at about 2 o'clock. Then I just sit there and watch 5 people get called ahead of me. By now it is 2:40 and I am worried about being able to pick my one healthy child up from school by three. So I drag myself out of my chair and tell the receptionist that I need to leave by three and is there anyway I can get in before that. She walks back to find out for me. When she returned she tells me (in a slightly condescending voice) "the doctors are really busy today and since you don't have an appointment and are seeing the on call doctor you will just have to wait" making it sound like I was the one who wanted to be there and was being impatient for no good reason. Oh I was mad! I am getting to that point of pregnancy where I am so angry I just want to swear all the time. However, I was good, I refrained from any profanities (my parents really did teach me better than that). So I said "I am not trying to be difficult, the doctor was the one who asked me to come in and I HAVE to pick my daughter up from school at three, I can't just not pick her up" at which point the receptionist looked at me in silence deciding whether she could challenge a mother's responsibility to pick her child up from school. I really think she thought it was more important for me to stick to the doctor's schedule than to pick my child up! But, I am guessing that she has dealt with enough pregnant women to know better than to challenge me on that one. So anyway, after that they were great, they got me in and out and gave me a nice prescription for antibiotic "just in case" as the doctor said. There was one silver lining to this whole annoying day. When my husband came home from work with my antibiotics included in the bag was a prescription cough syrup from the nice doctor. Now as I said before I was having a hard time sleeping. My nose was so irritated that it hurt to breathe and my throat was so sore it hurt to breathe through my mouth also. This lovely cough syrup said on the bottom "contains codeine, may cause drowsiness" music to my ears! And for all you worriers out there yes pregnant women can take codeine! So anyway I slept from 10 that night to noon the next day, it was heavenly. I am a big fan of codeine and any doctor that will prescribe it.
So I spent this whole week getting a little bit better every day. One night I made the mistake of telling my husband that I was really starting to feel better. Then an hour later I ran out of energy and started feeling worse again so my stupid stupid husband says to me in an accusing voice "you said you were feeling better" like once you say that it is a binding contract and there is no going back. To which I replied "I was feeling better, now I am feeling worse again." He obviously has not quite gotten the fact that I go from zero to TICKED OFF in about 4.3 seconds. You would think that he would get that after 6 months of pregnancy. So I let him have it I said in a Very SARCASTIC VOICE "you know contrary to what you may think this whole sickness thing is a lot harder on me than it is on you so if you could just pretend to have just a little bit of compasion for me I would really appreciate it" at this point he uses the typical male defense technique of backpeddeling and says "I feel bad for you " to which I said in a very mature 14 year old fashion "whatever" then I left the room to feel sorry for myself and angry at him elsewhere. So it feels good to be feeling better and it is a small comfort to know that there is a bottle containing codeine in the back of my pantry (just in case!).


Leslie said...

Love it - again as usual- thanks for a good laugh. Codeine in the pantry . . . hee hee. :)

Meredith said...

"I think my six year old was just wearing dinosaur undies and a big blanket." I'm laughing sooo hard!

Anonymous said...

Use the codeine! It will make your problems disappear for a small amount of time at least:)