Friday, February 15, 2008

My House of Mystery

I live in a house of mystery. I have lived in my house since August and I have discovered that my house has many things about it that are mystical and mysterious. For instance there is the mysterious opening door !!! At the bottom of the stairs I have a hall closet where the door somehow is always open. I seriously closed it 5 times yesterday! What could be causing this, I think my house is haunted. Or I suppose it could be that the yahtzee and domino games are in that closet and my 6 year old LOVES those games right now.
Then there is the mystery of the rumpled socks. This is a mystery that has follwed me everywhere I go. Whenever I do laundry my husband and kids dirty socks are always crumpled in a dirty, stinky, tight little ball. Now some of you may say "that is no mystery, your husband and kids are to blame" but that just can't be because I have very nicely asked them all multiple times not to do that and I know they love and respect me so much that they wouldn't just ignore my desires.
Then there is the mystery of the crumb covered floor. My dinning room floor is always covered with crumbs. I sweep about 3 times a day but still there are crumbs sticking to my feet whenver I walk through there causing me to go get the broom yet again. Now I suppose it could be that my kids love crackers and they eat like beavers, chop, chop, chop, chop. Or it could just be a mystery.
I also have the toothpaste mystery. Now this only afflicts my kids bathroom. I find though that everyday there are globs of dried on toothpaste all over my kids sink. I suppose I could blame it on the kids, but they swear that they try really hard to get all the toothpaste on the toothbrush.
So I live in a house of mystery. I really am smart enough to realize that all this is caused by messy children, but I find that it is easier to love them if I can blame it all on mysterious supernatural forces. So what mysteries inflict all of your homes?

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