Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Numbers are scary!

It is true I am currently afraid of numbers. Now those of you that know me well are probably baffled by this. My husband is an economist, he is one of those weird freaks of nature that loves doing statistics. Every day he comes home with "did you know..." then rattles off a bunch of numbers and figures. Now normally I love this. I think it is very interesting hearing all this info. However, now I am pregnant and there are certain numbers that make me want to go running for the hills. Pregnancy is not a good time for numbers but we are constantly bombarded with them.
The first one, 9! 9 months of pregnancy, and if you are lucky you will fell good for only 3 of them. Here is a number that was scaring me yesterday. I was lugging in my groceries, which is not fun because I have started to have that fun ligament stretching pain in my hips and the bottom of my belly. So anyway as I was hefting the milk I thought I am 22 weeks along, that means I have 18 weeks left. That means I have to bring in groceries 18 more times and every time is going to be harder than the last. If there wasn't snow all over the ground I would have sat down and cried. My poor family, by the end I will only be buying really light things. We will be living on cold cereal, pop corn and cotton candy. Come to think of it they would love that.
The other night my husband and I were talking about how having a baby in June means no family vacation for the summer. So I was saying maybe by August we could just do some fun day trips. He wondered if I meant just the two of us and the baby? I said no I thought we could all go. So he said "ya, I suppose if we are taking one we might as well take the other three". The other THREE! HOLY CRAP, when did I get four kids. The thought of having another baby isn't scary because I have had babies before, but I have never had four kids before. This is kind of overwhelming. My husband and I both admitted that we are afraid. So again numbers, the number 4 is very scary.
Here is another scary number, 6. I was in the bathroom the other day thinking when the baby comes and we move our three year old down stairs that will be three people in each bathroom. I stopped and thought no that is wrong, then I realized that is right. We are going to have 6 people in our family, that is a lot. Now you are probably all thinking I am really stupid right now. Whether about not doing math well or actually having six kids take your pick. I would have to agree my thought processes were probably not working well on either account.
Here is another scary number, 3. I am going to have three daughters! This is kind of scary. My parents had six daughters. I don't know how they did this. They are even mostly sane and my dad still has some hair. I am excited to have daughters, for a while, but then I think of the teenage years. I have tried to explain to my husband how teenage girls are and he gets a disbelieving/scared look on his face. He tells me that teenage boys just need lots of food and to not talk alot. So three girls is a little frightening.
Then there is the scariest number of all... the number you see when you step on the scale! Lately I just avoid the scale. When I go in the bathroom if it is there I just nudge it under the counter with my toe. However, tomorrow I have my monthly appt. there is no avoiding the scale there, plus it is worse because you have a witness who writes the evil number down. Then you sit in the room while your doctor looks at your chart. Now durring these moments of silence I debate what I can say to defend my expanding derrierre. "Would you believe that I am retaining 15 pounds of water" or "I have a disorder called sleep ingestia where I sleep walk into the kitchen and consume mass quantities of cheese cake without even waking up" or should I just be honest and say "I am hungry and I feel crappy so food is my only joy so just leave me alone". Actually my current doctor was great about the weight gain thing when I gained 50 pounds with my last pregnancy so I am not too worried about her, I just don't want to see the number on the scale. I wonder if they would just let me close my eyes and not tell me what the scale says? I think I will try that.
Then there are the numbers of the future. The labor and delivery numbers. For some crazy reason I did my last baby without and epidural. It was awful but I did it. I remember at one point after about 3 hours of pain the doctor said you are doing well, should be about 2 more hours. I wanted to cry. Then at the end when the contractions were 2 minutes apart the nurse telling me after one "you have 1 minute to rest" again I wanted to cry. So labor and delivery are also very scary times for numbers.
So anyway I am afraid of numbers for the time being. Hopefully I will get over this fear in another 4 months (ahhhhhh scary) cause that is how long I have left.


Meredith said...

oh my heck, karen! that was so funny. if you do the 'light foods diet,' can i come up and stay for awhile?:)

L.Smith said...

You just make me smile, really you do, I can see us having these conversations while sitting on your couch eating oreos (the mint ones!)and laughing. I am sure you look great....