Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Anger part two

I figure this anger thing had better be a three part series. There are too many things making me angry these days to put it all in one post. So anger number one was at my kids, all though I must say today we had a great morning and we were even ready a few minutes early, so my kids are pretty great sometimes. Anyway, anger number two is at you guessed it, franchises, namely Burger King. This specific event happened a couple weeks ago but it still makes me angry just thinking about it. Now I love Burger King french fries, they are so perfectly yummy better than any other fast food place. So I had been wanting these fries for about six weeks but had been denying myself cause I am trying not to overload on salt like I want to, and I really want to the other day I was making my husbands ham sandwich and I found myself wanting to lick my fingers just to taste the salt from the ham. I know it is not a moment I am proud of but it is true none the less. So anyway I had been denying myself the fries. It turned out that we had one of those days where we had tons of stuff scheduled in the late afternoon so it was pretty difficult to make dinner. Brad and Audrey had eye appts so I told them to just get fast food and that I would take the other kids to dinner. So finally I was going to give into temptation and get my french fries, I seriously looked forward to it ALL DAY. So I pick my other kids up from a party and head for Burger King, I passed every other food franchise on the way there and as I passed them I thought "nope, I want Burger King". So we pull up to Burger King, at which point my mouth was literally watering, and... IT WAS GONE! The building had been torn down! Apparently they are putting in a Walgreens and building a new Burger King in another part of town. I sat there in the parking lot in shock, how could this be, did the whole commercial world hate pregnant women. Now at this point you would say "why not just go to another Burger King" and for those of you who don't live in podunk little towns like me could do that, but for me to do that I would have to drive to the next town. Which I was very tempted to do except that my 5 and 2 years old were moaning about how hungry they were. So we went to McDonalds and I got their crappy substandard french fries. I bet that if I checked on the completion date of the new Burger King it would be June 8th, did I mention my due date is June 7th. Oh well, it really is for the best I guess, the title of this blog is "i will not gain 5o pounds" so I guess the no Burger King thing is a blessing in disguise.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Karen, I hear you...that has happened to all of us, but not to the degree of the french fry desire....

Steph said...

Ha ha again karen! I love it! I have NEVER been to burger king though, I'll have to go try their fries sometime.

Meredith said...

karen, will you also post about the time you were pregnant and wanted that sub sandwich? i think that would go perfectly with this post, ha!

Anonymous said...

I have a beef with them too. I have $10 gift card that I can use. Everytime I go there, they say there is nothing in it. Once a get home and check its balance it says $10. So I don't like them anymore.

Celeste said...

First of all congrats on being pregnant! I am loving your blog! I also used to be a big lover of Burger King fries, but then I discovered Dairy Queen--their fries are AWESOME! I came to love them during my last pregnancy and my baby turned out really cute! (I'm sure it was the fries!!!!) So I say give into the craving and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Karen you are funny. But I actually hate burger king fries and I LOVE MCDonalds fries! So I am jealous of YOU.