Sunday, October 28, 2007

Okay so maybe I will gain weight. The last couple of days have been hard for me, I have been feeling sick, which doesn't happen that often so I am mostly grateful. I have also been feeling super tired and like everything in life is overwhelming. So my house is a mess and when I step on the scale it is up 4 pounds. This had been distressing to me when I was feeling good, but I find that when I feel yucky I really don't care. So I think maybe on the days that I feel good I will worry about it and try to be really healthy and on the other days I am pretty sure I won't care a darn thing about it. I am only 9 weeks and I am showing. Since the baby is only 1 inch long I know it isn't the baby showing. All the books say that it is "bowel dissension" I really don't know what this means but it sounds really gross. Which brings me to my next topic of discussion, Why is pregnancy so gross? I mean really we all ready feel awful, get fat, get stretch marks, and have to pee in cups for months on end. Then all of a sudden words like bowel dissension, gas, and constipation are used in conversation with us constantly. This is just the beginning. I know when we come around to delivery I am going to end up practically naked in a big white room with a bunch of strangers watching me puff and groan. It really isn't fair. This baby had better be really cute.
Oh and i am still obsessed with food. Last night I had a dream that someone was eating a grilled cheese sandwich and they threw half of it in the trash. I was so mad in my dream. So after church I ate two grilled cheese sandwiches and they were soooooo yummy. I also had to speak in church today. Now for some reason in my first trimester I always have to pee all the time. So before church I make sure to go to the bathroom thinking that I will be ahead of the game. It was not to be. Literally one minute before I was supposed to get up to talk I had to pee SO BAD, I sat there thinking I am just going to have to suffer through this. It really was not fun. We also went on the youth temple trip yesterday. Now living in Helena we are 31/2 hours from the billings temple and there are a few big stretches of the drive where there is nothing but bushes for 1/2 hour at a time. So i went to the bathroom THREE TIMES before we left. With in an hour of leaving, and of course on one of these half hour stretches i had to pee sooooooo bad. I was really in pain. Pregnancy really isn't fair, but then I guess nothing in life really is. This baby better be really cute.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You are so funny. Yes, pregnacies are not always that nice. I hope you a better week.
Claudia H

Leslie said...

your grilled cheese dream was sooooo funny. oh my gosh, I love your blog!

Amanda said...

You know, the first trimester I totally craved dairy and protein - I could not eat enough cheese to save my life! But then I read in one those books that it's because those nutrients build the baby's brain and you're just providing what the baby needs. So you're a GOOD mom... And I kicked off this pregnancy by gaining 10 pounds right off the bat because all I was eating WAS dairy and protein, feeling totally nauseated but never threw to offset the chance of NOT gaining weight. It's a pain! But, at least for me, the second trimester put me back into normal eating habits once I stopped the 24 hr nausea. Hopefully, the obsession will subside... Although, these dreams DO make for good blog entries! Thanks for keeping us posted!

Anonymous said...

OK, I speak from experience...if your body is that weird, the I would think, Twins? Because when I was preggers with twins everything about my body was so over the top...everything about it for the first, no all nine months, was just extreme....

Eric said...

that would be crazy if you had twins! then you would have 5 kids and catch up to leslie super fast. Your blog is funny, I am glad you ate grilled cheese after your dream. You really showed your dream who was boss! I am sure your baby will be so cute, every one of your babies has been so adorable. I remember holding Tyler and Grace and thinking they were the cutest things in the world!